Welcome Prof. Shey-Huei Sheu from Asia University, Taiwan to be keynote spe...
Welcome Prof. Basel Ali Mahafzah from The University of Jordan, Amman, Jord...
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Rıdvan Şahin from Gumushane University,Turkey to be...
Welcome Prof. Yilun Shang from Northumbria University, UK to be committee m...
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Jerry Chun-Wei Lin from Western Norway University of A...
Welcome Asst. Prof. Shervan Fekri-Ershad from Islamic Azad University, naja...
Welcome Dr. Jia Liang from Southeast University to committee member!
Welcome Dr. Feiyan Xue from Beijing University of Agriculture to committee ...
Welcome Assis.Pro.Sin Jin Chung from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malays...
Welcome Pro.Huang Tien-Kuen from Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan to be keyno...
Welcome Pro.Chi-Chin Hwang from National University of Tainan, Taiwan to b...
Welcome Pro.Zakiah Ahmad from Universtiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia to be c...
Welcome Dr.Mohd Ashraf Mohd Fateh from Heriot Watt University, Malaysia to...
Welcome Assis.Pro.Ching-Sen Wu from National Ilan University, Taiwan to be ...
Welcome Pro.Hui-Mi Hsu from National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan to be co...
Welcome Dr.Olanrewaju AbdulLateef from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman,Malay...
Welcome Dr.Chow Ming Fai from National Energy University, Malaysia to be co...
Welcome Assis.Pro.Wei Wu from City University of Hong Kong, China to be com...
Welcome Pro.Hong-wei Yen from Tunghai University, Taiwan to be committee ...
Welcome A.Pro.Borliang Chen from National United University, Taiwan to be c...
Welcome Pro.Der-Wen Chang from Tamkang University, Taiwan to be committee m...
Welcome Pro.Sheng-Rui Jian from I-Shou University, Taiwan to be committee m...